Mommy's at work, and Daddy's schedule switched, so he gets to take care of us on Monday's. Well, it poured snow last night. Now, don't get me wrong, this isn't my first snow. But, this is my first snow that I can remember! I liked being with my Daddy and brother, but I didn't like this cold stuff. I mean, really, what is up with that?! So, looks like I'll be getting a White Christmas after all.
Oh, and I have learned another word. In addition to "da" "grammmmmma" and "dis", I've learned to say "nose" (Ok, it comes out a little like 'nosh', but, hey I'm not even 1 yet, cut me some slack!)
Here are some photos of me when my brother isn't knocking me over. I'm a happy walking little girl with a minor head cold. I still only have 4 teeth (two on top and two on bottom). I wear a size 18 mo shirt and I'm not quite a year old yet!
Wow, lots going on right now. First, I'd like to say, Happy Birthday to my Aunt Brandi! Next, Get Well Soon, Grandma! Hope your shoulder heals fast so you can throw me around in the air again! And, finally, a shout out to my Nina Nellie, just because... :) Mommy has been so busy at work, that she hasn't had a chance to send out Christmas Cards (she just ordered some prints...) But, we love her anyway. I went and saw my first "artsy" play at Cirque Du Soleil last Saturday. I slept through a lot of it, but really liked the violin player. Mommy did, too. My brother behaved himself, too. I can't wait for Christmas time when Mommy stays home with us for two weeks!