Saturday, March 28, 2009

A day at the Wilbur May Museum

I love when Grandma comes around. She always does fun stuff with us! Today, she fed us to the sharks, let us roam with raptors, and exposed us to other predators! We had a great time.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

15 mo old stats

Eleanor is 15 months old. She had her shots last Monday which she wasn't too happy about. She's running around like a mad woman already. She's 22lbs, wears a size 18mo (and some larger 12mo).

Her favorite activities are to steal stuff from her brother and run before he realizes she has it, and make him chase her. She loves to be outdoors.

Eleanor has quite the vocabulary now.

She says:

Rawr: Yes (she used to say yup, but she likes the dramatic rawr now!)
Uh uh: No
kwee kwee: Cookie
Pup: Up
Boob: boob
Mama: Mama
Mamama: Grandma (or sometimes gwrawr-mamama)
GwrawrPa: Grandpa
Lesh: Alex(ander) which annoys him. He corrects her and says "I Alexander)
Bk: Book
Boppie: Buffy *she says this so cute! Excitedly like "BOPpeee"
Thinthah: Ginger
Bubbooo: Bubble
Nummynummynummynummy: Give me whatever you're eating NOW!
Bye Bye: Bye Bye
Cheesh: Cheese
Cheeshk: Cheek
Eyesh: Eyes
Icky: Stinky
Poop: Poop
Manhamanha: Mole (she points to my chin)
Nosh: Nose
Waahyee: Wall-E
Ev: Eva *from Wall-E
Mush: Mouse (Mickey Mouse)
Beah: Bear
Daht: Dad
Keeyee: Kitty
Mwk: Milk *signs that one, too
Nanaah: Banana

and she can mimic sounds of: Bear, Lion, Peacock, Monkey, Cow, Chicken, Dog, Cat, Snake, and Elephant by site.

She's an amazing little lady, and I'm so blessed she's my daughter!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009