Some updates on my progress:
1.) I love to blow raspberries. They make me laugh. When Mommy ignores me, I start to scream "ahhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" really loud, then make her laugh.
2.) Still no teeth yet. I had my first snow cone yesterday at the park, and couldn't get enough ice! Yum nom nom...
3.) My big brother makes me laugh. I'm about 17 lbs, and am not super chunky any more. Plus, I had a big growth spurt. I'm a tall girl now.
4.) My hair is getting lighter. I have a cute little faux-hawk!
5.) My favorite thing to do is go into the bouncer. I go crazy in the bouncer.
6.) I've got my social smile. Daddy is a fun guy!
7.) I can eat green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, applesauce, pears, and cereals now. My favorite is still sweet potatoes. I'm still pretty sloppy.
8.) I can sit up without much struggle now. I still flop over, but I'm getting so much better at it!
9.) I don't rake toys to me, I actually GRAB them!
10.) I still have the prettiest eyes Mommy has ever seen!