I'm Eleanor the Great! Mommy says so. She says because I can stand up, cruise the furniture, crawl quickly, and find a way to get what I want.
I'm in size 12 month clothes now (at 9 months), because I'm a little thick in the middle. Although, I'm still a little short. I have dainty hands and feet, both that like to grab things.
My favorite games are: Peek A Boo, Bounce, Stinky Feet, and Grab-Mommy's-Hair-Until-She-Squeals. The last game cracks me up!
I love watching t.v. (I'm a t.v. junkie like Hairy Mommy). My big brother makes me laugh so hard. I can't wait to run around the house with him.
I still only have two teeth, which makes it hard to eat food. Mommy has introduced me to scrambled eggs (yum!), chicken, some pastas, mashed potatos, and little tastes of chocolate. I love that chocolate stuff.
Grandma makes me smile, and Uncle Russ makes me cry. I think it's because he's a Packers fan. I'll like him again when Baseball Season starts up again :-P
I'm growing so fast, and making so many funny faces. I love to snuggle with Mommy.